Protecting the oceans and sustainable fishing.
At Ignacio González Montes Montes we care about the sustainability of the oceans so that future generations can continue working.
All our fish passes strict Safety and Quality controls and complies with the legal and documentary requirements of the EU, to combat illegal fishing.
We support sustainable, responsible and respectful fishing with the other species, which is why, for many years, we are inscribed on the Dolphin Safe fishing list and this 2019, we have obtained the Friend of the Sea and MSC certifications. Both standards support our concern and commitment to sustainable fishing by avoiding overexploitation of the oceans and the fight against illegal fishing.
Bio foods.
Attending to the needs of consumers is a responsibility that implies research and being at the forefront of new products and foods that constitute adequate nutrition for health promotion. This attitude and the necessary preparation to be able to offer this type of healthy food, of the highest quality and respectful with the environment, from organic / biological agriculture, has deserved the obtaining of this ECO / BIO certification, which guarantees that both the process like the ingredients, you can rely on it.
Protecting the environment.
The protection of the atmosphere, the systematic reduction of emissions of gases and Co2, the purification of water and the reduction of waste are the objective of our plan to protect the environment and the local environment.
We continuously strengthen our commitment to the land and the sea where we live and work, making constant evaluations and applying specific measures that progressively allow us to obtain better and better results in achieving maximum sustainability and energy efficiency.

Reduction, reuse, recycling and purification.
In Ignacio González Montes the impact is minimal and much lower than that allowed by current legislation.
Our actions consist of providing our plant of infrastructure and technology that allows us to comply with current regulations and even improve the levels of protection required by the authorities.
In recent years we have increased our industrial wastewater treatment infrastructure with the installation of a biological treatment plant and a sludge dewatering line, which has allowed us to reduce the amount of sludge generated and an extraordinary quality of discharge, which is very below the established legal limits.
Make a policy of reducing waste generation in all our facilities and especially in our manufacturing processes and proper segregation of them to facilitate the reuse and recycling by managers authorized by the Administration, are one of our main objectives in relation to the care of the environment.
Optimization of energy efficiency.
The attention for the highest quality implies that each order is examined in detail throughout its journey through the plant. During manufacturing, from its initial stage, a product is defrosted, cut, cooked, packed, packaged, sterilized, checked, controlled and packaged, which means that it will pass many very precise processes and quality controls that are carried out consuming a quantity relatively high energy.
Our policy is to carry out constant measurements to detect those points where more or less energy is generated and to establish objectives for the reduction of consumption with the implementation of more efficient equipment and / or to promote the own generation of clean energy through the installation of photovoltaic panels and thus reduce the electricity consumption that depends on the network and that is 100% from clean energy.
The search for cleaner energy has also led us to establish constant exhaustive evaluations of gas emissions and the realisation of a plan for the progressive transformation of boilers and the consequent change of fuel for a cleaner one.